Micah’s ten-month update!

We’re two months away from a full year on this earth! My beautiful baby boy is now ten months and we’re having a blast. His personality grows daily — sometimes I wonder what kind of change he’s going to bring to this world. This last month has been something else. He has two more teeth coming in, he’s getting really close to walking, and he wants nothing to do with “rules”. The clinginess to mama grows by the minute, the boy who never used to whine, whines all of the time now if he doesn’t get what he wants or if he’s experiencing discomfort, and we just have to deal with it, right?

As the letterboard suggests, he does not listen to the word ‘no’ and at this point there’s not much I can do about it except remain consistent with it. I feel deep in my heart that he knows exactly what I’m saying and is using his age and inexperience as an excuse… but what do I know?

Because my husband is extra busy this time of year, he sometimes goes a few days without seeing Micah and we notice that he realizes dada is missing. When he gets home, no matter how late, Micah wakes up and wants to play with him. How can you turn that down? They miss each other but hubs has to sleep, too! Micah cares not. It’s really sweet to see the things he only does with dada and how they’re building their own little bond. Sometimes he just wants to sleep with him so he’ll leave me, climb on dada, lay on his chest, and knock out. It’s the sweetest thing!

Earlier this month, my mom bought him a walker full of buttons and things he can mess with to make it make noise [yay]. At first, he just wanted to play with all of the things on the walker instead of using it to walk. Once we got him to use it for what it’s actually for, he loved it! I swear there’s not a second that he’s awake when we can turn our attention elsewhere. The walker turned into him bumping into everything and using his smart little mind to maneuver out of corners. It’s been really cool watching him develop problem-solving skills.

I’m trying to find more mommy and me activities around us so he’s not home all the time. We recently started going to story time at Barnes and Noble and he loves it! I knew the kids would be a bit bigger than him so I was afraid he wouldn’t sit still and listen, but he was such a good boy! He sat on the bench, grabbed his snacks, and enjoyed the story. They have story time 3 times a week, so that and swimming are our current weekly activities. I can’t wait to find more and help him make baby friends!


Weighs: 20 lbs 5.5 oz

”Stands at”: 27.5 in

Wears: 9 mo onesies, 12 mo everything else + size 4 diaper

Loves: grown food! And by that I mean… rice, beans, chicken, mashed potatoes, anything we eat. I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty excited to not make baby food anymore. I love that I got to do that for my baby, but I love that he’s eating what we eat [for the most part] and he can have his own big boy plate. He eats way too much for little baby purees. I have a grown little baby on my hands.

Hates: although I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, this boy has not gotten over his hate for being strapped in to his car seat. Transparency moment — car rides give me so much anxiety. I never know if we’re going to make it to our destination with a sane mind or complete chaos. I didn’t know he could cry for as long as he does when he’s strapped in. I’m looking forward to when he’s no longer rear facing.


Micah’s eleven-month update!


Micah’s nine-month update!