Micah’s nine-month update!

Nine months in… and nine months out! We’re three short months away from the big one and mama is losing it. My child thinks he’s nine months going on teenager, and sometimes I believe him. I’ve been enjoying staying home with him, watching him grow firsthand, and learning him. The hardest part has been trying to work while having him all day. You may have seen his singing video on Facebook, and while he really seems to enjoy singing, he loves beating on things. I wonder who he gets that from! Well, one of those things is my laptop if I dare to work while he’s on me. While things have been slower with my career, he makes it totally worthwhile.

This past month, he learned how to stand up on his own! It mostly happens if he picks something up or if someone hands him something. He’ll get in a squat position and just stand! I love it, but it just means we’re even closer to walking! I find myself moving things around and out of the way more and more these days because who wants to pick up the same picture frame from the floor 20 times a day? Not this girl. Is it crazy that I’m already prepping for his first Christmas? I’m so excited and can’t wait for him to experience the best time of year! Cause, let’s face it, it’s basically here.

We’re still protesting the car seat, even though we love car rides. I’m praying that once we are able to switch him over to forward facing, things will get better but who knows? When Micah doesn’t like something, there’s no convincing him that it’s fine and that he’s okay. I love the determination, but man it makes trips so tough! Any tips for making this bearable are much appreciated!

I’m trying to find more mommy and me activities around us so he’s not home all the time. We recently started going to story time at Barnes and Noble and he loves it! I knew the kids would be a bit bigger than him so I was afraid he wouldn’t sit still and listen, but he was such a good boy! He sat on the bench, grabbed his snacks, and enjoyed the story. They have story time 3 times a week, so that and swimming are our current weekly activities. I can’t wait to find more and help him make baby friends!


Weighs: 19 lbs 4.5 oz

”Stands at”: 27.5 in

Wears: 9-12 mo clothing + size 4 diaper

Loves: being in people’s business — that’s right, I have a nosy baby on my hands. We’ll be out and if someone is close enough and having a conversation, he’ll basically break his neck trying to look and listen. Which is probably why he’s so good at story time!

Hates: finishing his snacks… like I mentioned last month, he’s a foodie. I mean, he fits right in with the family but it’s hilarious watching him in his element trying to eat everything in sight. When he reaches the end of his snacks, you’d think someone said he’ll never eat again. I wonder if I’ll be rich enough to feed this boy until he’s grown!


Micah’s ten-month update!


28th birthday in Miami, FL