Micah’s eleven-month update!

This is the second to last monthly update… how is time such a meanie?! I can’t believe I’ll have a one-year-old child in a month! I swear my pregnancy did not move this fast, although I wished it did during many tired days lol. We’ve made some progress since last month’s post! Now, not only does Micah not listen when you tell him no, he says it back to you :) I’m not actually smiling on the inside. If he’s feeling really sassy, he’ll do his little finger the way I do mine while saying “no no no”, and then proceeds to do as he intended. Baby hazing is in full effect.

This kid just had the best Christmas ever — he probably got more gifts than I ever did in just one day. But, of course, the wrapping paper was a hit. Until he saw a little drum and keyboard. I feel like 85% of his gifts make a lot of noise, so that’s exciting. He opened 2 gifts on the eve from my mom’s friends while we were at a dinner party [which he stayed up till midnight being the life of the party]. Then, on Christmas morning, he opened all of my mom’s gifts and had a blast! After a good nap, we drove to my best friend’s parents’ house so he open more gifts there! When we got back home, he had more gifts from his other grandparents to open. The funniest part is… he has no idea what’s going on and what happened. I’m so happy he had a great first Christmas though!

We’re moving in 2 months and this means some changes to his room. He hasn’t really gotten toys until Christmas and now he has a lot. We want to teach him to put things away once he’s done playing with them, and while I know that’ll take a while, these things need somewhere to go. So, of course, to Pinterest I went. I got some pretty cool ideas about how I can organize his room and create toy storage. Pray for me guys! I have a really sassy child on my hands.

This past month, we took him out of swimming lessons at the YMCA because we felt like he really wasn’t learning anything. Every week we did the same exact thing and there was no progress. I decided to teach him myself at our neighborhood’s pool. So, for the next couple of months I’ll be looking up videos on effective ways to do that. I noticed that he really enjoyed the water and retained what was being taught to him, so I definitely want to continue.


Weighs: 20 lbs 5.5 oz

”Stands at”: 27.5 in

Wears: 9 mo onesies, 12 mo everything else + size 4 diaper

Loves: being chased up the stairs! Seriously, could he have picked a more dangerous way to play? He will crawl over to the bottom of the stairs, put one foot on the step and look at you until he catches your eyes. As soon as you look his way, he bursts into laughter and quickly climbs up the stairs so you can chase him up. Oh, and he learned how to come back down and I won’t lie… it’s the cutest thing ever.

Hates: being without his beloved “boo” — which means mama’s boob. I cannot sit down that he finds his way to me and pulls my shirt down no matter where we are or who’s around. Don’t get me wrong, I love our bond when I’m nursing, but I’d love to be able to sit down near my child and not flash anyone. I know, super selfish of me lol. My goal was to nurse him until he turned one, so buddy has one more month with his boo and then it’s gone. Again, pray for me.


Who doesn’t love rom coms?


Micah’s ten-month update!