Realistically Obsessed

This month makes six months that I've been married to my best friend. While it's all normal to him, I still think it's weird that we're married. I'm not a grown up and he won't understand that. But, these last six months have been so much fun. Seriously, if this is how the rest of our lives will be, I'm all for it. I typically have him read these posts before I publish them, but this one is a surprise. While I believe no one should wait until today to do something special for the person they love, it's still nice to also make today special. I just want to take a moment and brag about the man God placed in my life...

Support. Whenever someone asked me what I looked for in a partner, I never really gave the full answer. Mostly because I wasn't sure about what that answer really was. One thing I've always wanted but didn't realize until it was given to me was someone who loved me so much that they could never let me endure any challenges alone. Even if the challenge was solely mine. He's been that for me and I'm grateful. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that you literally always have someone to get through things with. I feel safe knowing that I can count on him. 

Sillies. I know I'm always saying I'm not a grown up... and that's because it's true. I'm silly all day everyday and most times I just don't care who sees it. He loves it. Seriously, he enjoys my foolishness more than me sometimes. I thought things would change once we got married. Not drastically, but for some reason I envisioned this being a little more "serious". But, we have fun every single day and he encourages me to be exactly who I am. 

Children. No, we're not having them yet, but it is something we discuss often. It warms my heart to see him light up whenever the conversation about kids come up. I have no doubt he will be an amazing daddy (when the time comes) and that makes me love him even more. I think Bella is helping him get into that mindset because she is definitely human. 

Obsession. I titled this post "realistically obsessed" because that's the best way I can describe how we feel about each other. Although he's my person, we'll forever be together, etc. we have to be realistic. Not in a way that doubts God's promise in our lives, but in a way that takes away the unattainable expectations we may set for our relationships. From examples I've come across, people who are 'just obsessed' with each other fail to realize or accept the other person's shortcomings or they simply don't know what it's like to go through hell with that person yet. So, it's easy to love and be obsessed with them. I'm realistically obsessed with my husband because he's everything I asked God for, but he's also very very human. I fully recognize that he will make mistakes, he won't always agree with me even though I'm always right, and he may even get on my nerves once or 20 times a day. But, my obsession with him isn't based on those things. It's based on the value he adds to my life... and that value is irreplaceable. 

God was gracious enough to give me a man who prays with and for me, takes care of me even though I'm always trying to figure it all out on my own (I'm working on that), and really loves me. He accepts my crazy and knows that there is no life without his wife. 

I love you, baby! Happy Valentine's Day. 


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