35 week pregnancy update

I can’t believe we’re so close to meeting baby girl! I can’t lie and say I’m 10000% ready because the thought of having 2 kids and sometimes having them alone terrifies me. However, I’m pretty sure this is just fear of the unknown — once I’m in it, I will be great at it.

I’m practicing positivity and gratitude whenever fear or anything negative creeps into my mind. And, let me tell you, I couldn’t be more grateful for our new baby. Micah is so excited to meet her and always says she’s his best friend. My heart couldn’t be more full!

How far along?

35 weeks (and 1 day)

Weight gain?

25 lbs

Maternity clothes?

Still none 😅 because I refuse to be robbed. I recently talked to a friend who said the maternity clothing industry is such a scam. It’s the most temporary season in a woman’s life but the clothes are incredibly expensive? Make it make sense, please!


I started taking unisom at night again because I cannot stand waking up feeling exhausted. If you aren’t familiar with it, it helps with nausea and it’s a sleep aid that is safe for pregnant women!

Best moment this week?

Folding baby girl’s clothes 😭 I can’t wait to see her in them! We’re playing dress up all the time.

Weird pregnancy moment?

Struggling with nausea and puking again! I can’t believe it came back. This is why I’m beyond over it all.

Baby movement?


Food cravings?

Brazilian food!

Anything making you queasy?

Oxygen, apparently. Idk why the nausea came back, but man I hate it.

Something you’re looking forward to?

Finishing the kids’ room!


Building our first home pt. 2


32 week pregnancy update